ok position

Blog ini ditulis oleh FIDE National Instructor, Encik Shamsuddin Bin Mat Isa. Beliau telah mendapat pengiktirafan (diploma) daripada Persekutuan Catur Dunia (FIDE) untuk menjadi jurulatih catur dengan gelaran FIDE National Instructor pada tahun 2007. Tulisan di dalam blog ini lebih menjurus kepada latihan untuk bermain catur secara sistematik dan betul di peringkat baru belajar dan sederhana. Blog ini juga turut menyediakan menjual barangan berkaitan catur secara online.
Monday, August 1, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
BugHouse & Crazyhouse ;any takers?
Link to this Variant can be downloaded here at http://bughouse.net/ and there . I invite fellas in K.L or Shah Alam to join oncoming Buggers' Tourney at IGS Seri Kembangan on 26th June 2005. See ya all there!
p/s : Amir Fischer , Max Tal , Kay Korchnoi , Alijienda Spassky, Dr Euwe, Rusdi Paniss (sorry aaa!, don't angry#tak leh gurau , duk surau ). All of you are the most pleasant guests expected to turn up.
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Amir ( w ) vs Sam ( b ), Melawati Karaoke 2005
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Amir ( w ) vs Sam ( b ),Melawati Karaoke 2005
This position derives from Sicilian Najdorf where my strong chess club friend, 'GM Kay ' found an interesting move to deal with.. which is
1.e5 ( to my suprise, i didn't see strong counterblow suggested by my 'fritzy8' friend i.e 1..Nxd4 )
but i answered wrongly with 1..Nd5
2.Nxc6! bxc6
3.Bxe7 Kxe7
( what if 3...Nxe7? )
4.Bxd5 cxd5
5.Nxd5 ( another hallmark of 'GM Kay', sac'king piece to gain activities) exd5
And here 'GM Kay ' thrusted with
6.Rxd5 Qa4
7.Re1 and my King stranded in the centre of the chessboard.Sad fate!!
To all readers, I invite u to share ur opinion about the last position after 7.Re1
I wanna add the resulting position on next post.Enjoy.
Monday, June 6, 2005
Sunday, June 5, 2005
Sam (W) vs Amir (B), Tmn Melawati, 2005
Take a look at this position.It worths a try.It results from Sicilian Dragon with Yugoslav Attack Variation.White to play and win!. Enjoy.
Internet Chess Club @ I.C.C
I invites all chess players to join this club http://www.chessclub.com especially my chess club members of Section 17 ,Shah Alam.
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Welcome ! Discuss Everything About Chess Here!
Sinner, M (W) vs Landenburger,A(B) ; 1989
Opening : C54
1.e4 e5
2.Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 Bc5
4.c3 Nf6
5.d4 exd4
6.cxd4 Bb4+
7.Nc3 Nxe4?! ( winning a pawn but lag in development)
8.0-0 Nxc3
9.bxc3 Bxc3
10.Ba3!(overwhelming thrust) d6 (if 10...Bxa1 11.Re1+ Ne7 12.Bxe7 Black is done )
11.Rc1 Ba5
12.Qa4 a6
13.Bd5 Bb6
14.Rxc6!! (bold decision) Bd7 (The position contains tactics.Here, the variations are open for discussions)
15.Re1+ Kf8
16.Rxd6!! (perfect continuation) cxd6
17.Bxd6 Kg8
18.Bxf7+ Kxf7
19.Qb3+ Kg6
20.Ne5+ 1-0
What a brilliant miniature!!.