13 players took part in the 3rd MindaCatur Invitational Tournament. Congratulation to Fariz Shafruddin. He won the 3rd league by gaining 5 out of 6 games. Among his victims are Abdullah Khairi KZ, Shamsol Bahrin, Kamaluddin Yusof and Zulkifli Ishak. He draws only two games against NM Kamal Ariffin (round 3) and Shamsuddin (round 3).
Final standing (standing, name and point).
1 Fariz Shafruddin, 5.0
2 NM Kamal Arifin, 5.0
3 Kamaluddin Yusof, 4.5
4 Mohd Saprin Sabri, 3.5
5 Zulkifli Ishak, 3.5
6 Mohd Fairin, 3.5
7 Shamsol Bahrin, 3.0
8 Shamsuddin Bin Mat Isa, 3.0
9 Mohd Hafez Hilmi, 3.0
10 Mohd Irman Ibrahim, 2.5
11 Wong Kim Soon, 2.0
12 Abdullah Khairi KZ, 2.0
13 Mohamad Ismail, 2.0
Here's the crosstable:No Name Round 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Mohd Saprin Sabri, 7:W 6:L 2:W 13:D 9:L 10:W
2. Mohd Fairin, 8:D 5:W 1:L 4:L 12:W :W
3. NM Kamal Arifin, 9:D 11:D 12:W 8:W 6:W
4:W4. Shamsol Bahrin, 10:W 12:W 6:L 2:W 11:L 3:L
5. Abdullah Khairi KZ, 11:L 2:L 9:L :W 7:W 12:L
6. Kamaluddin Yusof, 13:W 1:W 4:W 11:L 3:L 8:W
7. Mohamad Ismail, 1:L 10:L :W 9:L 5:L 13:W
8. Shamsuddin, 2:D 9:W 11:D 3:L 13:W 6:L
9. Zulkifli Ishak, 3:D 8:L 5:W 7:W 1:W 11:L
10. Wong Kim Soon, 4:L 7:W 13:L 12:L :W 1:L
11. Fariz Shafruddin, 5:W 3:D 8:D 6:W 4:W 9:W
12. Mohd Hafez Hilmi, :W 4:L 3:L 10:W 2:L 5:W
13. Mohd Irman, 6:L :W 10:W 1:D 8:L 7:L
Pictures during the tournaments.
Both player got the same point after the last round. In this special tournament, the players have to play two blitz games and if the result is draw, they have to play an armageddon(white 6 minutes and black 5 minutes, if the result is draw black win the match).
In the blitz, fariz won with white and draw with black. automatically winning the tournament.

Fariz playing black against NM Kamal Arifin. Spectators (from left) are Wong Kim Soon, Abdullah Khairi KZ, Mohd Hafez Hilmi Harun and Mohd Saprin.