Blog ini ditulis oleh FIDE National Instructor, Encik Shamsuddin Bin Mat Isa. Beliau telah mendapat pengiktirafan (diploma) daripada Persekutuan Catur Dunia (FIDE) untuk menjadi jurulatih catur dengan gelaran FIDE National Instructor pada tahun 2007. Tulisan di dalam blog ini lebih menjurus kepada latihan untuk bermain catur secara sistematik dan betul di peringkat baru belajar dan sederhana. Blog ini juga turut menyediakan menjual barangan berkaitan catur secara online.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Mindacatur Saturday Night is Back
The tournament won by Mohd Saprin Sabri (8.5 point), 2nd Kamaludin (7), 3rd-5th tied by Shamsol bahrin, Nor Azman and Shamsuddin (6), 6th place Aziz Shukor and last place Aizuddin (Bin Nor Azman).
The prize sponsored by www.carikomputer.com (1st-3rd place only). Thanks a lot to the sponsor.
Mr Sparin Sabri, the champion of the tournament and also as representative from MindaCatur and http://www.carikomputer.com/ give the prize to the 2nd place winner, Mr Kamaludin Yusof.
3rd place, Shamsol Bahrin
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Round 2 (afternoon 21st January 2008)
No. White – Black (Result)
1. Chan, M - Nguyen, Hong Chan (0-1)
2. Trieu, Thu Thuy - Mohamed Halil, N (0-1)
3. Mohamed Yusof, N - Mukri, M (0-1)
4 Mursi, N (Bye)
No. White – Black (Result)
1. Sarmiento, R - Peligro, A (1/2-1/2)
2. Derani Ghani, M - Suryanto, E (0-1)
3. Choo, M - Yong, T (1-0)
4. Sosiawan,D - Bilog, C (1-0)
5. Pham, L - Danggat, M (1-0)
6. Ching, F - Sidek, S (1-0)
7. Omar. M - Hung, M (1-0)
8. Tray, R (bye)
1. Severino, S - Abdul Rashid , H (1-0)
2. Chuah, H - Lopez, H (0-1)
3. Elinon, A - Yusop, M (1-0)
4. Tran, Tri Trinh - Mailig, J (0-1)
5. Ho, H - Boonsong, P (0-1)
6. Lee, E - Haji Noorkaseh (1-0)
7. Hidayat, T - Thassanamethin, M (1-0)
8. Vo, Thanh Hui (bye)

Monday, January 21, 2008
Round 1 (21st January 2008).
1. Chan, M MAS
2. Mohamed Halil, N MAS
3. Mohamed Yusof, N MAS
4. Mukri, M MAS
5. Mursi, N INA
6. Nguyen, Hong Chan VIE
7. Trieu, Thu Thuy VIE
1. Mukri, M - Chan, M
2. Mohamed Halil, N - Mursi, N
3. Nguyen, Hong Chan - Mohamed Yusof, N
4 Trieu, Thu Thuy (Bye)
1. Severino, S 2350 PHI
2. Lopez, H 0 PHI
3. Elinon, A 0 PHI
4. Mailig, J 0 PHI
5. Abdul Rashid , H 0 MAS
6. Boonsong, P 0 THA
7. Chuah, H MAS
8. Haji Noorkaseh BRU
9. Hidayat, T INA
10. Ho, H MAS
11. Lee, E INA
12. Thassanamethin, M THA
13. Tran, Tri Trinh VIE
14. Vo, Thanh Hui VIE
15. Yusop, M MAS
No. White - Black
1. Haji Noorkaseh - Severino, S
2. Lopez, H - Hidayat, T
3. Ho, H - Elinon, A
4. Mailig, J - Lee, E
5. Thassanamethin, M - Abdul Rashid , H
6. Boonsong, P - Tran, Tri Trinh
7. Vo, Thanh Hui VIE - Chuah, H
8. Yusop, M (bye)
1. Sarmiento, R PHI
2. Suryanto, E INA
3. Ching, F PHI
4. Bilog, C PHI
5. Choo, M MAS
6. Danggat, M BRU
7. Derani Ghani, M MAS
8. Hung, M VIE
9. Omar. M MAS
10. Peligro, A PHI
11. Pham, L VIE
12. Sidek, S MAS
13. Sosiawan,D INA
14. Tray, R SIN
15. Yong, T SIN
No. White - Black
1. Hung, M - Sarmiento, R
2. Suryanto, E - Omar. M
3. Peligro, A - Ching, F
4. Bilog, C - Pham, L
5. Sidek, S - Choo, M
6. Danggat, M - Sosiawan,D
7. Tray, R - Derani Ghani, M
8. Yong, T (bye)

Opening Ceremony of 4th ASEAN Para Games at Khorat, Thailand 2008

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Welcoming and Flag Raising Ceremony
There's not much activity today. Some of the athletes completing their classification test for their sports and some of them are training to familiarize themselves with the climate. Chess athletes also making preparation to play against their opponents. All coaches are busy preparing players physically and psychologically before the tournament starts.
In the afternoon, about 3.00 pm, the welcoming and flag raising ceremony was being held at the International Square. The International Square situated across the road in front of dining hall. Afterwards all athletes, coaches and officers were served with Thai traditional food. All of it is halal food. I really enjoy the food with all of them.
Around 6.00 pm, there were traditional cultural shows at the International Square. I took a break to return my room, after a tiring afternoon, subsequent to which, unfortunately, no pictures were taken.
Chief coach, Mr. Abdul Latif in morning exercises and motivation speech.
Another angle of picture taken by chess coach cum photographer.
Dining hall was so wide and so comfortable.
Group picture with the Director General of Malaysian Sports Council, Datuk Zulkiples Embong

Friday, January 18, 2008
4th ASEAN Para Games

The ASEAN Para Games is a biannual multi-sport event for atheletes with physical disabilities held after every Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games). Participants in the Games are the member of Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN). The ASEAN Para Games is under the regulation of the ASEAN Para Sports federation (APSF). The games are hosted by the same country where the SEA Games took place.

The emblem of ASEAN Para Games is inspired by Chumpol Gate, a precious historical place of Nakhom Ratchasima.

On the emblem is the image of Chumpol Gate which stands for victories. It also represents the exquisite and delicate Thai arts and cultures. The curvy blue and red lines represent flags leading the atheletes who are marching into the stadium with eager and happiness. The lines, however, imply the base of Chumpol Gate also.
The logo of ASEAN Para Sports Federation is placed in the center of the emblem. It represents the participants who come from many different countries with the same ambition of friendship.
Mascot of the 4th ASEAN Para Games:

17th January 2008
We depart from Putrajaya to KLIA at 9 am. Around 11.15 we reach the KLIA and check in the luggage, then at 12.30 noon flight check in. Around 3 pm arrive at Bangkok airport, and move to Khorat. Lastly after a small accident by one of the bus from the malaysian contingent, and stopped almost half an hour we managed to arrive at atheletes’ village, Suranaree University around 12.00 mid night. What a tiring journey! Malaysia Boleh!
18th January 2008
Pictures of Malaysia ASEAN Para Games Chess Team to Khorat, Thailand 2008.
Standing from left: Min Wang, Mahathir, Mai Lam, Norain, Feiqha, Moiera, Heng Meng, Hasidin, M. Fadli, Cikgu Kelana, Shaharuddin, Cikgu Shamsuddin.
Sitting from left: Cikgu Asmah, Mah Hassan, Dato' Aminah, Latiff, Hea King, Hashim

Selling cookies. I don't try it because not sure either halal or non-halal. It seem delicious.

And here a stall selling banana (pisang bakar). The smell was so nice.
Day getting dark. We are still trapping at town. It's quite hard to find taxi back to athlete hostel.