Blog ini ditulis oleh FIDE National Instructor, Encik Shamsuddin Bin Mat Isa. Beliau telah mendapat pengiktirafan (diploma) daripada Persekutuan Catur Dunia (FIDE) untuk menjadi jurulatih catur dengan gelaran FIDE National Instructor pada tahun 2007. Tulisan di dalam blog ini lebih menjurus kepada latihan untuk bermain catur secara sistematik dan betul di peringkat baru belajar dan sederhana. Blog ini juga turut menyediakan menjual barangan berkaitan catur secara online.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Rapid Chess-Sumbangan dari En. Shamsuddin Mat Isa
Monday, February 19, 2007
Adoiiii -Courtesy of Mr Mohd Fairin Zakaria of Petak64
Sunday, February 18, 2007
IM Mas Hafizul Hilmi wins PCMM Open 2007
Fariz Shafruddin get the second-placed, by winning over Zarul Shazwan with 6 out of 7 points.
Here is the list of the top ten in the event.
1. IM Mas hafizul Hilmi 6.5
2. Fariz Shafruddin 6.0
3. Zarul Shazwan Zullkafli 5.5
4. FM Anas Nazreen Bakri 5.0
5. Abdullah Che Hassan 5.0
6. Abdul Aziz Shukor 5.0
7. Zarul Shafiq Zullkafli 5.0
8. Nor Ilhamuddin 5.0
9. Muhd Aizuddin Che Hassan 5.0
10.Kamalarifin Wahiduddin 5.0
IM Mas Hafizul Hilmi plays his childhood favourite line, Grand Prix Attack against FM Anas Sicilian in the last round.
White: IM Mas Hafizul Hilmi vs Black: FM Anas Nazreen Bakri. White to move.
This is a winning position for the IM. Of course he knows how to exploit the double pawns at c file. A good position for intermediate chess player to learn how to exploit positional advantage.
That's a personal report from me as mindacatur representative. I leave the tournament straightly just after the result of final round out. So, no pictures of the closing ceremony. Bye.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Scheduled League of year 2007

Meh laaa join MindaCatur League untuk tahun 2007 nihh..Tak nak merasa jadi Champ ker? Syok ooo. Ramai pemain yang kuat-kuat.Lagi pun hadiah bagus-bagus belaka..Apa-apa pun , rancang la 'schedule' anda untuk bermain dalam liga nii..cuma check Calendar kat bottom page untuk tarikh yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak penganjur pada tahun 2007 nih + clip image untuk jadual liga tersebut disertakan bersama-sama 'posting' ini.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
2nd MindaCatur Invitational League 2007

Thursday, February 8, 2007
Monday, February 5, 2007
Braille Chess Video Clip

Braille Chess - Catur Braille Orang Kurang Upaya

Thursday, February 1, 2007
An alluring attraction...
This has become one of the main subject of MindaCatur organizing committee's discussions to offer for the players in the 2nd Invitational League which had been announced on the last posting.Okay.. here is the deal ..see it yourself..it's worth participating in the event.